
Actual: $10,301.33

Budget: $17,000.00


Actual: $19,357.76

Budget: $15,905.43

Expense Breakdown

Account Balances

January looks like quite a change in our financial outlook from December! It’s always a little shocking to start the new year so misaligned with the budget. However, we hope that this is just an anomaly for a couple of reasons.

We spent extra funds this month in the facilities category ($1600 to rent our building for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday), in the conference category ($2550 in registration for 5 elder families to attend Church Venture NW’s annual conference), in the technology category ($2250 for a long-awaited church keyboard) as well as a few smaller purchases that should be outliers.

We did only run one payroll in January though due to the way the holidays fell, so that lowered our expenses.

After looking over the books, we believe that when viewed alongside December’s very high giving (more than $25,000) we can assume that had a couple of deposits late in December fallen on the first of January, the numbers this month would look a lot more balanced.

All in all, the elders are not concerned about our financial position, and at this point, we think we are still in good shape.

If you have any questions about our finances or are interested in more detailed reporting, please ask!

Please be in prayer in the following ways surrounding our church’s finances:

  • We are aware of how our current Sunday gathering space is continuing to feel more cramped. Solving this problem will most likely be financially expensive. Please pray that God would open the right doors for us as we grow.

  • Your personal stewardship of the resources God has given you and for a spirit of generosity toward the community and toward those outside the church.