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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 20:29-34

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Jesus asks two blind men the piercing question, "What do you want me to do for you?" on his way to Jerusalem in our study this week in the gospel according to Matthew.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 20:17-28

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Jesus keeps teaching us about status and power in the Kingdom of God this week in our study of the Gospel According To Matthew.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 20:1-16

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Jesus continues to explain the economy of the Kingdom of God through the parable of the vineyard workers in the gospel according to Matthew.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 19:16-30

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Jesus continues his ethical teaching in the gospel according to Matthew this week as the subject turns to money.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 19:1-15

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How does a follower of Jesus navigate issues of marriage and divorce? As you'd expect it's counter-cultural. Jesus answers questions about this hot-button topic in our study of the gospel according to Matthew this morning.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 18:21-35

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All throughout our lives people are going to hurt us, offend us and treat us poorly. Citizens of the Kingdom of God have been given a very counter-cultural way of dealing with this reality.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 18:15-20

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In our context when two Christians can't get along it's easy for one of us to just leave and attend another church. That's not the way of Jesus. We'll learn what he thinks about conflict this week in the gospel according to Matthew.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 18:1-14

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Jesus answers the question "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" His answer goes against everything we believe as a culture.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 17:22-27

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Jesus give us a great example of choosing your battles wisely in his payment of the Temple Tax.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 17:14-21

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Jesus comes down the mountain to a situation that requires some teaching on faith.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 17:9-13

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The disciples are still on the fence about the suffering that Jesus is predicting for his life. We take a look at their questions and talk about weakness this week.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 17:1-8

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We are taking a dive into Jesus' mysterious transfiguration this morning with help from Pastor Joel Parries of Doxa Church in our study of the gospel according to Matthew.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 16:21-28

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Jesus gives the disciples more insight into what it means for him to be the Messiah and what it means for them to be his followers as we continue in Matthew 16.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 16:13-20

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Peter makes a confession in Matthew 16 that forms the basis of our faith. We are continuing our discussion of the gospel according to Matthew this week in chapter 16.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 16:1-12


The religious leaders try to trick Jesus and the disciples are still confused about bread. We dive in to the first part of Matthew 16 this morning.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 15:29-39


It seems like Matthew just told us this story and the disciples are reacting like they haven't seen this before. What's the point of this narrative and what can it teach us about ourselves?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Easter Sunday!


In this strange COVID-19 season we celebrate Easter at home and have a discussion about Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Jesus.

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