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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:3-13

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This week we explore days 1 through 3 of the creation narrative and see how God brought order to the different realms of creation.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:2

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This week we will be taking our 2nd step in the book of Genesis to look at the pre-creation chaos that proceeded the creation of the universe.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:1

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We officially begin the book of Genesis this week and ask the question, "How did this all get started?"

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis, Introduction Part 3

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This week we take a look at some other ancient writings that the early readers of Genesis would have been aware of in order to compare their similarities and their differences in our final introductory sermon for the book.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis, Introduction Part 2

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We will continue our introduction to the book of Genesis this week by talking about who wrote the book, when they wrote it and why.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis, Introduction Part 1

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This morning we will begin our deep dive into the book of Genesis taking a look at the book's purpose in relation to the rest of scripture.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Tools For Becoming Wise

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As we wrap up our series on wisdom this morning we will be looking at different ways that we should be learning through the scriptures and some tools to help us do that.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Being Formed By Scripture

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This week in our Q&R series on wisdom we will be looking at how we should view the Bible as a tool for learning wisdom and what it means that it is inspired by God.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Where Should I Look For Wisdom?

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The book of Proverbs frames the search for wisdom as food that we each. We take a look at Brett McCracken's helpful book, The Wisdom Pyramid, and how we should be thinking about where we go for food.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Jesus The Wisdom Teacher

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We received several questions that all connect to the idea of how we should be learning wisdom, so we are kicking off our Q&R series with a look at the wisest man of all time: Jesus of Nazareth.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 28

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We finish up our study of the gospel according to Matthew this week celebrating the resurrection of King Jesus with our friends from All Of Life Church, Transform Ministries and Doxa Church.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 27:32-66

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We take a look at the crucifixion and death of Jesus and how this brutal reality gives us a multifaceted view into why Jesus died.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 27:11-31

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Jesus appears before Pilate and the crowds demand that he release Barabbas to them instead. Pilate asks a question that we all need to deal with: "What should I do then with Jesus?"

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 27:1-10

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After Peter betrayed Jesus he wept. His sorrow leads him to repent of his sin and be restored. Today in our study of the Gospel According to Matthew we will look at how Judas deals much differently with his sin.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:57-75

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Jesus and Peter both undergo confrontational trials, but they respond very differently.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:47-56

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We've read Jesus' teaching on non-violence in the sermon on the mount. This morning in our study of the gospel according to Matthew we will see him act it out.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:36-46

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Jesus prepares for his coming betrayal by spending time in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. This passage displays the full humanity of Jesus in a powerful way.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:26-35

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Jesus transforms the Jewish passover meal by interpreting its elements to point to his sacrifice on the cross.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:17-25

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Jesus will share one final Passover meal with his disciples before he is betrayed and crucified. As the meal begins, he lets them know that one of them will be his betrayer.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Matthew 26:1-16

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Jesus' enemies won't stop until they have silenced him for good. We start to look at the plot to kill Jesus in the final days of his ministry in our study of The Gospel According To Matthew.

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