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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 28

Jacob strikes out on his own and meets Yahweh in a dream.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 27

Jacob is a schemer from a family of schemers. He will scheme his way into something that God had already promised him in Genesis 27.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 26

Moses goes out of his way to show us that Isaac is a lot like his father Abraham in our passage this morning.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 25

We take a look at God's choice of Jacob over Esau and what it means to be the firstborn son.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 24

The story of Abraham's servant finding a wife for Isaac helps us understand how to discern God's will.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 23

We start off the new year with a look at grief and loss and how we can prepare to experience it well when it comes.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Why Did God Become Human, Part 4

We'll explore two ideas that are connected to Christ's incarnation that we don't think about enough: glorification and the beatific vision.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 22

We take a look at the disturbing story of God asking Abraham to kill his son as a sacrifice.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 20-21

All of the characters in these next 2 chapters in Genesis make a mess of things. God though is faithful to his own character and makes sure that his plans are successful.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 19

We take a look at the strange and disturbing story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah this week in our study of Genesis.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 18

God comes to Abraham and Sarah to teach them some valuable lessons about his character.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 17

This week we take a look at the way God chose to formalize his covenant with Abram.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 16

Abram & Sarai follow the expected sexual ethic of their day in order to have their need for a son met. It ends up causing a lot of pain and brokenness for all involved.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 15

Abram is afraid of the future. God meets him in that fear with his faithfulness.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation Church's 4th Birthday

We celebrate our birthday by accepting members, appointing a deacon, affirmation an elder and hearing stories about what God is doing in our church.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 14

This week we take a look at the mysterious figure of Melchizedek.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 13

Abram turns back to trusting in Yahweh to be the source of his blessing in his dealings with his nephew Lot.

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1 Thessalonians
