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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 6:9-17

How long until there is justice? How long until the resurrection? How long until God's people are complete? These cries resonate with us today as we often get impatient while we wait on God. But we can rest knowing that He knows exactly what He is doing.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 6:1-8

Chapter 6 starts with John watching as the Lamb of God opens the first of seven seals. These seals are revealing God’s judgments on the earth through wars, famine, and death. How should we interpret the symbolism in Revelation and what does it mean for our lives?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 5

Revelation chapter 5 shows us why Jesus is worthy of worship. He conquers through his cross, redeeming a people from out of all the nations, and restoring creation to the glory that it was meant to always have.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 4

Chapter 4 gives an opportunity to learn about worship, The One who is worshiped, the ones who worship, and the worship itself.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

1 Corinthians 15:1-26

On Easter Sunday, we take a look at Paul's explanation of what the news of the death and resurrection of Christ is. What does it mean if it is fake, and what does it mean if it is true?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 3:14-22

Jesus' words to the Church at Laodicea are heavy, but not hopeless. His rebuke to the church is filled with love and shows His desire to draw near to us.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 3:1-6

In this message to the church of Thyatira, we see Jesus paying attention to the outward actions of Thyatira. How does this reconcile with our belief that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 2:18-29

In this message to the church of Thyatira, we see Jesus paying attention to the outward actions of Thyatira. How does this reconcile with our belief that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone?

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Revelation Joshua Borges Revelation Joshua Borges

Revelation 2:12-17

In the message to Pergamum, Jesus has some thoughts about tolerance within the people of God. How can we apply Jesus' warnings to the church of Pergamum to our lives here, today?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 2:1-7

What can we apply to our lives from the commendations, corrections, and warnings to the church of Ephesus?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation 1:1-8

In Revelation 1, John breaks out two big ideas that we need to practice building out trust in: What God is like, and Who we are because of Him.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Revelation, Introduction Part 3, Revelation 1:17-19

The assumptions we make about how John wrote the Book of Revelation will skew our understanding of it. Using the Old Testament as the key to his writing process gives us some insight into how to study this book.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Advent Week 3, Luke 1:57-80

Advent is a season of waiting, of feeling the discontentment that comes from promises that have yet to be fulfilled. Then Jesus comes to fulfill these promises.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Advent Week 2, Luke 1:39-56

Good news is good for different people in different ways. Mary's song tells us that the good news changes all of us.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Simplicity & Generosity, Matthew 6:19-34

Simplicity and generosity are expressions of the very character of God. God is a generous giver and His generosity is on full display at Advent, as he gives himself to us in his son.

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1 Thessalonians
