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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 11

As we wrap up the first section of Genesis we will take a look at the Tower of Babylon and how that incident affects the world we live in today.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 10

Our 2nd major genealogy in Genesis kicks off a discussion of Yahweh's disinheriting the nations and putting them under the supervision of the sons of God.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 9:18-29

A terrible act of violence is committed in Noah's family as we end the flood story. We'll take a look at what possibly happened and how we can learn from it.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 8:1-9:17

As the flood rages on the earth God remembers Noah and confirms his commitment to humanity through a covenant.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 6:5-7:24

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We begin an overview of the narrative of Noah's flood this week and take a look at God's faithfulness in the midst of judgment.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 6:1-8

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We take a look at the 2nd event that brought sin and destruction to the world as we dive into the weird story of the Watchers in Genesis 6.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 5

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Why yes, yes we are working through a genealogy this Sunday. What's with this common biblical genre and what is Moses communicating through it in chapter 5?

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 4:17-26

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Moses wraps up the unfortunate story of Cain with a look at how his unrepentant heart influenced his descendants in Genesis 4 this Sunday.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 4:1-16

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Adam and Eve's sin immediately spills out into the world and infects their offspring. We'll take a look at the sad story of Cain and Abel this week in our study of Genesis.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 3:8-24

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The humans have taken the forbidden fruit and chosen to follow their own path rather than God's. We look at what happens next this week in our study of Genesis.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 3:1-7

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Up to this point in the story, everything has been going right with the world. As we enter chapter 3 of Genesis though, the story takes a dark turn as sin enters into the creation.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 2:18-25

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Genesis chapter 2 is scripture's foundational text for wisdom about marriage. We will take a look at what it has to teach us this week in our study of the book of Genesis.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 2:4-17

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This week in our study of the book of Genesis we dive into chapter 2 and take a look at the Garden of Eden.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 2:1-3

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This week we look at the 7th day of the creation week, how Genesis 1 should make us think about the temple and the implications for our rest.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Church In The Park

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We celebrated our gathering in the park this week with our friends from Doxa, Transform and All Of Life. Pastor Mike Jacobs taught us from 1 Peter 1:13-16 on obedience in the Christian life.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:26-31, Part 3

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This Sunday we wrap up our 3 week study on being made in the image of God. This week we look at being “fruitful and multiplying” and “ruling and reigning” as image bearers of God.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:26-31, Part 2

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As we continue to explore the image of God this morning in the book of Genesis, we will take a look at how it is informed by gender and how it should shape our understanding of gender and sex today.

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:26-31, Part 1

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This week in our study of Genesis we will begin a three week look at what it means for humanity to be made in "the image of God."

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Joshua Borges Joshua Borges

Genesis 1:14-25

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Last week we watched God create three realms of creation. This week we will watch him fill them with life in our study of Genesis.

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